Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stress Relievers

Ok, so I'm having a bit of a rough go at the moment, for various reasons. In short, I've had to find effective ways to relieve stress. Here is the best of what I've found:

Excersize: This is the absolute best. It's hard to get motivated, but once you do it's great to work off all of that negative energy, feel like you've acomplished something, and generally feel healthier (not to mention less depressed about those 10lbs you put on at Christmas...).

Hobbies: Scrapping is my lifesaver. I get to excersize my creative muscles, and it is so much fun. When I am all finished I feel like I completed something worth while... and theres that feeling of acomplishment again... hmmmm....

Tea: The variety of herbal tea out there is amazing... try to avoid caffine, it will add to your stress level. My current favourite is Summer Berry Blend by Tetley. It calms and relaxes me, not to mention warms me up. Cold weather causes us to bunch up our shoulders and adopt bad posture which strains our backs. This leads to more tension.

Talking: Don't bombard your family with all of your negativity... you may feel better, but they won't! Instead, talk about your feelings in a constructive way: "This is really bothering me... what do you think I should do?"

Have a shower and apply lotion... the rubbing increases your circulation and gets your blood flowing. You'll also be realeasing those feel-good hormones from your brain that trick you into thinking all is well, which leads to....

Sex: I don't have to describe this... of course it makes you feel better!

1 comment:

Heather said...

LOL! Yep, they all work, and what a shame we have to keep reminding ourselves that they do. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get to the place where we were just doing it all the time, and loving life so much there was no time for feeling stressed. Thanks for the reminder, I'm going to print it out and put it somewhere prominent!

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