Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Daily Shout-Out

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Look What I've Got!

The Daily Shout-Out

Friday, May 21, 2010
The Daily Shout-Out

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Optimism keeps me sane.
I have no socks and have to put on my steal-toed shoes to go out into the plant. I now have sweaty, sock-less feet. Ew. I hope my coffee gets here soon. It's going to be a good day right? It's going to be a good day. It's going to be a good day. It's going to be a good day.....
UPDATE: Incidently, this was the worst day ever. The mantra was ineffecive.
The Daily Shout-Out

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dear Ross the Teflon Guy

My Dearest Ross:
I wasn't endorsing your product. Thinking back I probably should have used the words "plastic coating" instead of teflon, as I'm not even sure it WAS teflon. I certainely wasn't recommending that other people use your product, unless of course you're planning to cut me a check for the advertising expense? No? I didn't think so.
So I'm thinking you're a guy, who is paid to google the word TEFLON as some sort of market research experiment. Wonder if that pays well? Sorry, I digress. Anyway, I'm thinking you're just doing your job so I'm not going to go all spastic on you - but if you had bothered to read any of the other posts in my blog, or read Angel Food Cake post a little more thoroughly, you would know that I DO NOT, infact, write a cooking blog. I would never do that to the general population. Maybe a learning how to cook blog. Or something entitled "if my family depended on me to bake, they would all STARVE." Or possibly a how NOT to cook blog. Yes, that would work.
I purchased the mystery-coated pan as part of a personal journey into the world of ---> I'm a woman, I should know how to cook. (Do you like my arrow? This is what I use when I have no idea what punctuation is supposed to go where! Very effective, isn't it? Maybe I should use it more often). I did not purchase the pan because I think your product is wonderful, merely because it was on sale and it had Betty Crockers name on it (she's a cook or something right? Very famous-ish).
So... to make a long rant short - I think you should find a new career Ross. Your current one isn't very popular.
P.S. Please do not try to sell me anymore of your products. If I have need of a cookbook or a recipe I'll find it on my own. That being said, if you happen to stop by for another visit, please do us all the courtesy of responding without the sales pitch.
The Daily Shout-Out

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Who says tanning is evil?
Well Guess What?
My doctor has perscribed tanning to me. Backwards isn't it? Aparently it's a cure for the winter blues. Vitamin D and all that. I voiced my concerns about skin cancer, and dying a horrible painful death from something I could have prevented by staying out of the sun....
Me: But... um... isn't tanning bad for you?
Doc: Yes. Yes it is.
Me: But you still want me to do it?
Doc: I think it's an option for your specific circumstances.
Me: Does that mean that I should do it?
Doc: Well, I can't really order you to do something that's harmful.
Me: But you think it's a good idea?
Doc: I think it's an option, yes.
Me: That's a little vague. Do I have an other options?
Doc: Well, we could try some medications. Some of the side effects are serious... depression, suicidal tendancies, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, muscle tenderness, and so on.
Me: So tanning is a better option?
Doc: I didn't say that.
Me: Yes I know. That's why I asked.
Doc: It seems like the most benificial with the least amount of side effects.
Me: So what happens if I do neither.
Doc: Nothing.
Me: So right now I'm not dying, but if I go tanning I might be a little more cheerful when the winter is here?
Doc: Basically. Yes.
Me: And quality of life is worth risking the chance of getting skin cancer?
Doc: I didn't say that.
Me: I KNOW. I'm looking for a little direction here. Can you help me out?
Doc: Why don't we re-asses in a few months. You can make an appoitment with the receptionist on your way out.
Me: Thanks for nothing.
I have been tanning for a few months now. Not over doing it, just a couple times a week and you know what? The doc is right. I have more energy, I'm blogging again, and my house is clean. Ok, no it isn't, but I could do it if I wanted to. It is 15 minutes of bliss 3 times a week. My stress melts away. If I could figure out how to do it all the time without killing myself I would. I have to warn you. It's very addictive, and I'm certainly NOT encouraging anyone else to try it unless you have a similar pointless conversation with your doctor.
The Daily Shout-Out

Monday, May 17, 2010
The Butterfly Effect

The Daily Shout-Out

Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Daily Shout-Out

Friday, May 14, 2010
Sharks are scary when you're nine.

Some lovely scenery along the boat ride.

The shark which ate the tourists in front of us. The Boy is now very nervous and is having trouble distiguishing the story from reality. He keeps looking at my smiling face as if puzzled about why we are still in the boat and why we haven't ordered the tour guide to get us out immediately.

The Daily Shout-Out

All this random greatness has given me the motivation to start a daily shout-out. Hopefully this will help all of us realize just how many entertaining writers are out there that we aren't even aware of. This will force me out of my little blog-rut and hopefully infuse some culture into these meager words.
So - without further adjectives or delays, todays shout-out is for Stacey who authors Sitting In My Green Room. Her photography is nothing short of brilliant (I'm very envious), and she has a wonderful sense of humor which translates easily from her camara to her words. Please take a moment to visit and see for yourself.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Birds are scary.

The sheer quantity of birds here is ridiculous. There was nowhere to run and hide. The entire sanctuary was heading our way to take part in the feeding frenzy caused by the tossing of bread crumbs. Shorty after this I cowered in the car.

This is really a vulture. He is waiting for the other birds to peck out my eyes so he can have the rest.

A grey pelican. The most numerous of the Floridian birds we saw.

These pelicans kept trying to steal step-sons bait whilst he was fishing. Then when he caught a little fish, tried to steal it while he was reeling it in. Have you ever seen a pelican with it's beak wide open? It could swallow a little boy whole. Powerful beaks made me keep a wary distance. They are not shy either - and they are not afraid of curious tourists.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mahuffer - Wurst Place on the Beech!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Out of my imagination

Monday, May 10, 2010
Angel Food Cake... sort of.

The box says Fat Free... and it was too. Right up until the point where I slathered (love that word), it with white frosting - complete with rainbow chips. So Yummy.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
A toast to the end of financial struggling!